God’s Irreversible Will

God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? Behold, I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it. —Numbers 23:19–20

Having seen the great victories of Israel and fearful of being next on the list of their conquests, Balak, a Moabite king, hired a prophet to curse Israel. But every time Balaam, the profiteering prophet, tried to curse Israel, God would only speak blessing over His people. The words in today’s passage were spoken the second time Balaam tried to curse Israel. In accordance with Balak’s desire and guidance, Balaam changed locations, as though there might be a crack in God’s covering. It was as though Balak thought, If you can’t curse Israel from over here, try it over there.

But after the failed second attempt at cursing Israel, Balaam told Balak, “I cannot reverse the will of God.” Bless the Lord and shout hallelujah, reader, for the Lord does not change! If the will of God could not be reversed in Balaam’s day and the Lord does not change, then the will of God cannot be reversed in our day. God’s intention for His children is blessing—not cursing! God is not a man that He could lie, and neither is He the son of a man that He could repent. His will is irreversible. Like Balak and Balaam, the enemy may keep coming at you from every angle or direction, but he cannot reverse the will of God. If he could, then that would mean God had either lied or changed, and neither is even a remote possibility.

God’s desire for you, friends, is to live a blessed life. But God’s definition of a blessed life is not always consistent with ours. According to His definition, a blessed life does not necessarily include fast cars and fat bank accounts. We do not need these things to live a blessed life—we need Him.

There may be plenty of Balaks and Balaams coming at you today from every angle. They may try to curse you and strive to quench your victories or postpone their own defeats. But don’t forget, it is not possible for God to lie or change His mind as it concerns you, friend. No one can curse that which God has already blessed. Ask Balaam. It didn’t work then, and it won’t work now. Go out this day with confidence in your God!

Excerpt from “Body Builders” now available on Amazon.

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