Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. —Colossians 1:28
An interesting phenomenon has exploded in the church in recent years, though it has long been with us in one form or another. Paul dealt with it in Corinth when the church there began to divide and fragment over their favorite teachers (1 Cor. 1:12). Unfortunately, we still see this same division rampant in the church world today. Some Christians like to boast about the particular church they attend or the particular person who is their pastor. Although there is nothing wrong with loving your church or supporting and loving your pastor, it is important to remember that Paul wrote this exhortation to the entire church at Colossae, not just to the vocational pastors there.
If you are part of a wonderful, thriving, Bible-teaching church, praise the Lord! But your commission as an individual saint is not to tell people about your church, but to tell people about Jesus Christ. Paul says, “Him we preach,” warning and teaching in wisdom so that others may be perfected in Christ. The fact of the matter is, if the church as a whole were busier with the Father’s business, individual congregations wouldn’t have so much time to worry about each other! That is not to say there are not things to be careful of and even separate from, but if we spent more time preaching Jesus and less time casting doctrinal stones, the church as a whole would be far more effective than it is.
As you approach this day, remember that Jesus doesn’t save churches, no matter how wonderful they may be or how eloquent their pastors. As I have told visitors at our church countless times, “If you have come here today looking for the perfect church, your search is over, because there isn’t one!” Do the work of an evangelist today and tell someone about Jesus. Then, after you tell them He is the way, truth, and life (John 14:6), after you lead them in prayer accepting Christ, tell them of the place they can go to be with others who know Him—your church!
Excerpt from “Body Builders” now available on Amazon.