Psalm 147:3–5: “He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. He counts the stars and calls them all by name. How great is our Lord! His power is absolute! His understanding is beyond comprehension!” If everything has gone wrong in your life—whether by your doing or someone else’s—the Lord God of heaven who numbered and named the stars wants to bandage your wounds. The question is, will you let Him?
Deep wounds always leave a scar. The imprint and impact of everything gone wrong can stay with us a long time—even lifelong sometimes. But friend, because of what Jesus has already done, one day you will have a new body with no scars. You will live with your Savior forever, and everything that was wrong will be made right. Hold tight to that and never forget it.
In the meantime, in this earthly life you live, how do you face today when everything in your marriage has gone wrong? First, take ownership for your part in the problem. Freedom and healing will never be found if you refuse to look at yourself and only blame your spouse for the breakdown of your marriage. Second, by no means can you allow the enemy to draw you into isolation, away from the fellowship of other believers. Remember, isolation is never the cure for loneliness. And finally, set firmly in your mind that there is a joy that transcends every sorrow you will face in your marriage. If the answer does not come in this lifetime, it will in the next.
Marriage is one of life’s greatest joys and, for some, one of life’s greatest sorrows. It is a covenant ordained by God Himself, eternally sanctioned in the heavens. It is a God idea, not a man-made one. It really is possible to live like a honeymooner with the mate of your youth. Years pass and circumstances change, but a couple committed to living their marriage God’s way retains the flame of youthful love. They have honed their communications skills and used them to make their bond stronger. Above all, they have clothed themselves with love and learned the secret of melding two families into one. And when the storms of life come—and they surely will—they have learned the secret of turning to God when everything around them seems to be going wrong. This is the couple who has discovered how to do marriage right. This is the couple who has mastered the art of living happily even after. This may not describe you right now, but do marriage right and it can be. Only believe!
Excerpt from “Happily… Even After” now available on Amazon.