Don’t Forget the ‘Who Do’

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. —Romans 8:1

This is a favorite verse of many, to be sure—well, at least half of it is! I have often said, when considering Romans 8:1, that you have to make sure you get to the “who do” of the verse. Many people, however, quote only the first half, leaving the “no condemnation” portion absent of the following qualifier. We also need to be careful of misreading the verse as a whole even when we do include the “who do,” lest we somehow think we are condemned on the days we don’t do well and walk in the flesh.

There is only one way to walk in the Spirit, and that is to be filled with the Spirit. There is only one way to be filled with the Spirit, and that is to be born again. That is where the “who do” begins, but that is not where it ends. Those who are filled with the Spirit are not going to be led by the Spirit into things that gratify the flesh—worldly things, ungodly things, things that shame us, our faith, and therefore our God.

This is why the whole verse is so important. Some have used it as license for their sinful liberty, saying as justification that no matter what they do, there is no condemnation because they are in Christ Jesus. While it may be true that Christians fail morally and fall prey to the flesh at times—and this is a great promise to remember at those times—it is also true this is not a “get out of jail free” card, like some seem to think. “I can do whatever I want and not worry about being condemned” is not something the Spirit teaches. That is the expression of a carnal mind, and it is of the flesh. It may be good for such a person to take the self-examination test of faith that Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians 13:5.

What are you walking in regularly and habitually: the flesh or the Spirit? If the flesh rules you and your life looks more like those in the world than those in the Bible, then you might need to get to the “who do” of Romans 8:1 and rethink your understanding of biblical truth. Yes, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, but those in Christ Jesus are those who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

Grace is not cheap, friends, and it is not a license to sin. When you read there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, be sure to include the “who do”!

Excerpt from “Body Builders” now available on Amazon.

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Barry Stagner

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