A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. —Proverbs 16:9
As another year comes to a close, many of us will be making plans for the next year. Many resolutions, such as daily exercising, will be made, and for the next few weeks, the gyms will be filled with well-intentioned warriors. But after a few weeks, the gyms will empty, and the good intentions will subside. It’s great to make plans and commitments at this time of year, but make sure the Lord’s direction is at the heart of all your plans. There are things He wants to do through you this coming year that you will discover only as you seek His direction. There are things He did through you last year that He wants to increase in you this year, and yes, there are things He whittled away in you last year that He wants to decrease even more. So make your plans but submit them to His direction. Ask Him what direction to go in, which steps He wants you to take.
I love New Year’s Eve. It’s an annual chance to start again and do better. To some, I want to offer a word of exhortation and maybe correction. New Year’s Eve is not a time to get in that one last fling or to get drunk or to engage in some other sin. Start the new direction now—not on New Year’s Day.
A funny thing happens when you procrastinate on making new commitments: they have a way of never happening. People who want to start the year right often delay their new direction until January 2. After all, they reason, they can’t start a new diet or new discipline on a holiday. But it’s easy for that day to slip into another day . . . and then another day . . . and yet another day without anything changing. So don’t wait. Seek His direction now, and begin to follow the path He leads you on now. Don’t wait for January 1 or 2, but start today, on December 31.
Plan your steps under and in the Lord’s direction. He will take you places you could never have imagined—not next year, but even for the one day left in this year.
Blessed be the name of the Lord, and happy New Year!
Excerpt from “Body Builders” now available on Amazon.