All wounds create scars, but there are different kinds of scars. I mentioned in chapter 2 a wound I acquired…
I have seen many people fall prey to the temptation of isolation when everything goes wrong. They withdraw into a…
For behold, the kings assembled, they passed by together. 5 They saw it, and so they marveled; they were troubled,…
In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done…
As we come to our final chapter there is a truth we need to address that is a fitting conclusion…
Let’s go back to Psalm 32 and take a look at verses 6–9, again in the New King James Version:…
Sacrifice and offering You did not desire; my ears You have opened. Burnt offering and sin offering You did not…
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the…
I wish I had words that would make the scar of Fractured Fellowship go away for some of you but…
I have had many a person in my office over the years whose area of expertise seems to be everything…