Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
—Isaiah 43:19
Idolatry and disobedience had led the children of Israel into captivity, yet here in Isaiah, the Lord declared His faithfulness as the one who had created them (Isa. 43:1), and the promise was made for “a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” What this means is that God was going to make a way home for His rebellious children and even provide for them along the way.
As a new year begins, many make resolutions of change. But the sad truth is, the common denominator for most resolutions is that they are broken. However, it is not so with the Lord. What He commits to do for us, He will do, including bringing new life and direction to barren and waste places.
Dear friend, if last year was not what it ought to have been or even could have been in your walk with the Lord, be encouraged by the fact that He has provided a way for you to walk on the path of His promises this year. It might seem a corny truth, but it is nonetheless true that the best way to keep from changing is to stay the same. We cannot do everything the same way we did last year yet expect a different outcome this year. We must seek, serve, and pray more if next year’s resolutions are not to become a commitment to fulfill this year’s.
God says this year can be richer and fuller than any other by simply putting Him first and above all else. No year will end in disappointment or fall short of your expectations when seeking first His kingdom is your reality. This may mean being more faithful at church or serving in ministry, but it may also mean giving your private and personal time with Him priority. It is you He wants to be intimate with, it is you He wants to commune with, it is you He wants to walk the path with, and it is you for whom He made the rivers in the desert.
So if this year is not going to be a repeat of last year, resolve to know and serve Him as never before. Then, when next year comes, He will have another new thing for you!
Excerpt from “Body Builders” now available on Amazon.